What Is A Video CTA And How To Use It

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give...
Call to Action Marketing Usage:

Building upon the target market is often crucial for any business to grow and achieve its objectives. Then focus to make the target audience take the next step and sign up to your newsletter, buy your product, or share your content further. Making them have the urge is vital, whether requesting more information or prompting them to make a purchase.

As such, businesses utilise the call to action (CTA) to encourage immediate response. A call to action is designed to obtain instantaneous reactions from your target audience. Generally, a CTA is considered the last step of a process, be it a sale, or lead gathering. It enables potential customers to know what to do next after becoming interested in your idea, content or brand.

What does call to action mean?

You see them every day on all social media platforms. Mostly, they will be the coloured buttons somewhere on a web page, landing page, or post asking viewers to take an action. Some popular CTAs include: 

  • Register for a webinar

  • Download an eBook

  • Watch an on-demand webinar

  • Sign up for a newsletter

  • Place your order here

  • Ask us /queries

  • Send us feedback

There are two types of calls to action: direct and transitional. Direct calls to action in marketing prompt a customer to take the first step towards buying a product. Example #1: A button on your website that says “Get a quote” is a direct call to action. Example #2: The phrase “Call XXX-XXXX to buy today” on a print ad is a direct call to action. Transitional CTAs are used to build trust with your audience. These are your lead magnets, email newsletters, blog posts, videos, webinars, etc.

What makes a good call to action? It starts with having the CTA aligned with the content on the page. Then the CTA will be the reasonable next action your audience should take in their journey.

Many small businesses tend to assume that the prospect understands what they need, and CTAs are obnoxious and overwhelming to their audience.

Types of CTAs for videos – Videos are unique because you can include a range of CTAs in them. This includes using images, buttons, text, and audio for a call to action for your video. With videos, you also have some choices on when you place the call to action, at the beginning, middle or end. 

How to Call to Action Properly for Increasing Conversions?

Choose a strong Command Verb – As to bring the urge for a client to take the next step, you need to create a clear and concise command line. You barely have a few symbols to come up with something that motivates a user to continue their journey. 

Typical examples of command verbs used in video CTAs are:

  • Sign Up Now

  • Get Started

  • Start Your Trial

  • Buy Now

Give your audience Reason for The Action – Most people who are willing to watch your product or service video till the end, are either curious, or have a given problem hence waiting to receive a solution from you. Your video must be relatable to the value proposals as well as your unique selling point. 

For them to click the CTA, they need to know what it is for them. So, ensure you provide reasons and how it is going to help them. This can be a review, benefits of your product, or an infographic showing how much success your clients are experiencing.

Customise Your CTA for different Devices – With the internet availability widespread and with the audience spending more time browsing, you can expect to reach anywhere on different internet-enabled devices. Whether it is a mobile phone, computer, or tablet, anyone can browse and get to your product. A prospect checking your ad or video on a search engine result page, they might click on it to learn more.

Be Creative, use emotional words – When marketing your brand out there and building your audience, our primary objective is to elicit your target market to have a positive response that promotes conversion. If you have a CTA that is emotional, enthusing and provoking positive feelings you are more likely to grow the number of clients in your brand. 

Keep it fresh, straightforward, and vibrant. Ensure you create something that builds an urge to click on as for your potential buyers to make a move. In some businesses, you could conduct a test to see how different ideas perform and shortlist the ones that brought about maximum responses towards CTA. Depending on the video hosting platform you are using, you may be able to set up A/B tests for your CTAs and explore whether it’s more effective to have them in the middle of a video or at the end; or whether the button is green or red; and so on.

Make use of statistics or Numbers – When your video CTA focuses on promoting a purchase, then you can try to use numbers to your advantage. Consumers often look for pricing and what offers the brand has on hand. You can also include discounts, incentives, and promotions, among others. Combine the benefits, figures, and creativity and inflaming choice of words to prompt your audience to take the next step.

Consider the Visitor’s Journey – Clicking a CTA does require effort from the visitor. Generally People want to get it over with, and move on to their next video or search. That’s why you need to make sure that your CTA takes them to the intended destination. If it’s a newsletter sign up, link them to a thank you page. If it’s an invitation to view the pricing of your services, take them there.

One CTA at a time please – Too many choices overwhelm people. This rule also applies to your video. If you try to squeeze too much information on one video, it may become ineffective. Keeping it focused on one subject, like your CTA, will make you more successful in the long run. You may have a good reason to ask your viewer to download a white paper, sign up for your newsletter, and to request a sales quote. But don’t do all three calls to action in one video.

Gear your backend to support the CTA – Take the time to do it right. Your Video CTA requires more than just telling your viewer to do something. The backend team must take care of these things: Are they clicking on a link in the video or next to the video? What is that link? Where does it direct them? What happens there? Are you asking someone to call you? Do you have a way to track those calls? Are your video calls to action unique enough to be able to later track that action from watching the video?

Simple but not that simple right? Whether the situation stills sounds challenging and stressful, let us help you through and get you on your feet as a brand. Connect with us for a free consultation at
